In the season finale of The Boardroom, Charlie opens the show by paying respect to Nicholas Winton, a British businessman who, in 1939, organized the rescue of 669 children destined for Nazi concentration camps.
In the In the News with Michael Davis segment, Charlie and Michael discuss the end of bubble wrap and the crisis in Greece.
The Unlocking Greatness spotlight featured Sarah Hofstetter, CEO of 360i, the premier digital ad agency. Sarah talks about the importance of storytelling in today’s noisy marketplace and how she came up with a unique way to use bloggers to market her client’s products more effectively.
We conclude the show with three practical tips to take inspiration and turn it into actual change in your life.
UG 013 – Sarah Hofstetter on How to Build a Brand, Think Differently, and Standout in a Crowded World
Sir Nicholas Winton – BBC Programme “That’s Life” aired in 1988
The Power of Rituals: Human Performance Institute
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